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How to Order Tickets

Find Your Event

If you know the event you are purchasing for you can select the category, search using the advanced search to find the artist name or venue. If you are looking for an event to attend you can browse by Region, Genre, or Date. All listed events will display the Event Name, Venue, Date and Time. You can also click on any of the heading links and the events will be sorted from the earliest date to the latest date or the reverse. To view tickets, click on the view tickets link to the right of the event listing.

Select Your Seats

The screen will be divided into 2 columns. The left will display all the tickets available and the right will display a birds eye map view of the venue (e.i. Coliseum, Stadium). The tickets listing will list the Section, Row, number of available tickets and the price per ticket. Hover your mouse over any of the ticket rows to highlights the tickets. If the map on the right is not static, you can click on any of the ticket rows to view your location on the map. This will assist you to see if the tickets available would be an ideal location for the event. Click the Buy button to make a purchase and secure your seats.

Select The number of Tickets & Delivery Method

Events have multiple seats of tickets. Please make sure to select the correct number of tickets. Once your order is placed the ticket type cannot be changed or upgraded. Events may also have multiple types of delivery methods. All available methods of delivery will appear on the delivery options section. Select your country and the available delivery method will be listed. Click the help link for additional assistance on the delivery method. Not all delivery methods are available in all countries.

Enter Billing Information and Credit Card Information

Please make sure to enter all of your information exactly as your bank has on file. If your credit card number, expiration date, billing address, or cvv number is entered incorrectly your credit card will be declined. When a credit card is declined you will see a pending hold on your statement for the declined amount for up to 5 business days so it is highly recommended you double check this info before submitting your order.

Review & Accept Terms of Purchase

You will be required to review and accept our Purchase Policy before proceeding with the transaction. Checking this box is the equivalent to a digital signature on a contract.

Complete Ticket Order & Review Confirmation Page

After you place your order you will see a confirmation page. Here you can review your complete order, event information, ticket price, service fees, delivery charges, and billing information. You may choose to print this page for future reference.

Receive Confirmation Email

Within five minutes of placing your ticket order with you will receive a confirmation email with your receipt. It is very important you supply a correct email address or you will not get the confirmation e-mail.